Being likeable leads to sales

There is an old truth in business that if someone finds you likeable, they are much more likely to buy something from you. This has always been the case and it applies even today. This rule is even more relevant if turned around: if someone finds you dislikeable, they will most likely not buy anything from you, no matter how good a product you are offering. Being likeable is not rocket science; it just requires following a few simple steps.


Be decisive

According to, confidence and decisiveness are traits that will make people listen to you and like you. Be experts in your field, be confident about your opinions, know your value and give the impression that you have everything perfectly under control.

Be interested in the other person

Today's individualistic age is all about people primarily looking after themselves. And maybe that is why you will seem remarkably likeable if you are genuinely and honestly interested in someone else. Forget about yourself and your product; try to empathise with the client and their needs. Be interested in the client's thoughts and feelings. The more honest and human you are, the better for business and the more you will actually enjoy your interaction with the customer.

Practise gestures and expressions

The fact that you care about customers is best shown by reacting to what they say with your body, posture and facial expressions. Sit or stand in an open posture towards clients, react by nodding and with suitable expressions, and let the non-verbal, positive signals you display influence customers.


A smile is the best and simplest way to show anybody you like them. And once you show that you like somebody, that person will automatically see you in a positive light as well. So don't underestimate the power of a smile.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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