Four genius and free-to-watch talks that every salesperson should watch

Here are links to four TED talks that every salesperson should see and that are free to watch with Czech subtitles.


For several decades, TED has been a platform that consists of conferences and talks that take place all over the world and that deal with numerous topics: technology, education, philosophy, science, arts and culture.

The aim of the TED project is to spread information and ideas that will help to improve the world in which we live. Speakers have included Bill Gates or Elon Musk, as well as people virtually unknown to the general public, such as scientists, activists or professors.

This list was originally published by the HubSpot company blog.

How to Make Stress Your Friend

Stress is an integral part of the sales profession. For many people, a high level of stress is paralysing, but psychologist Kelly McGonail will show you in her lecture that stress can be turned into fuel and that you can use it for your work in a positive way.

Want to Help Someone? Shut Up and Listen!

An expert in sustainable economic development, Ernesto Sirolli touches upon a topic in his lecture that is crucial to the sales profession. And that is how important it is to listen, and to shut up when you want to help someone. This rule is 100% applicable to business meetings with prospective clients as well.

The Power of Passion and Perseverance

In this captivating talk, Angela Lee Duckworth speaks of her work experience and studies and argues how important passion, perseverance and hard work are for succeeding in whatever you do. She takes many examples from the sales world.

The Puzzle of Motivation

Dan Pink worked for many years as a speech writer for Al Gore, American presidential candidate and Nobel peace prize laureate. In his lecture, Pink talks about how motivation is formed, gives surprising facts about what actually motivates us, and how you can keep yourself motivated in the long run.


Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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