To be promoted to a manager, you must have these 5 habits

When it comes to job positions in business, the career advancement path is usually quite clear. If you have the ambition to get promoted, you are most likely aiming to become a team leader.


But this position requires certain traits and personal characteristics that ensure you will be noticed by management and considered a potential future manager.

Here are five habits that must be part of the daily work of anyone who wants to become a business manager. The following tips were published on the blog of the HubSpot company.

Help others

It is essential that you are helpful to others. Try to bring out the best in each of your colleagues. Compliment them if they do something exceptional. Do not regard them as competition but more as co-workers on the path towards a common goal. Support them during hard times and lend them a helping hand.


No matter how good your results are and how professional your expertise is, you can never aspire to become a manager if you do not have good relationships at the workplace. These are, in most cases, essential for the work of a manager.

Have an insight into events at the company

As a rule, managers should know how to do everything their employees do. This applies to sales skills as well as purely administrative tasks at individual levels. Have a detailed knowledge of how the internal processes at your company work.

You must be heard

Do not expect automatically to be appraised and recognised for your successes. You must be confident in whatever you do and able to sell your successes to the management.

Be open to new possibilities

A management position requires a good deal of creativity and showing initiative. Do not learn to do things only by the book; think also of things in a wider context. Come up with suggestions for improvement and always think of new ways to make your work and that of your colleagues more efficient.


Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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