Sales and family: How to balance parenthood and a sales job

Sales is more benevolent towards family-work balance than other professions. Sales jobs often come with a more flexible working schedule because a salesperson is primarily assessed by his/her performance and results, without dwelling too much on the exact number of hours  spent in the workplace. Still, it's not easy to balance your family life and kids with your professional life.


Here are several tips on how to reach a balance which benefits both the employee and employer. The following tips were published on the Sales Force company blog.

Make your expectations clear with the employer

Stressful situations occur primarily if the employee doesn't manage to do what is expected of them. He or she then manages neither work nor family. In this matter, it's essential that you set the parameters straight with your employer right at the beginning.

Talk your situation over with your employer, let them know your priorities, and determine in advance how much working time can be expected of you. Don't try to promise anything that you'll have a hard time fulfilling. A good set-up is beneficial both to you and your employer.

Separate work life and family life

A satisfied employee is able to separate family life and work. This also applies if you have kids, or even if you have a special work regime set up with your employer.

This doesn't mean you can't work from home. However, you should always have a certain time reserved, and you should keep it in mind in advance. You must know that your life can fall into chaos when your family and work life start to mingle uncontrollably. Always pay full attention to what you're doing at the moment.

Quality beats quantity

Quality beats quantity; this applies both to work and to family life. If you plan well, you have a system in both your work and leisure time, and then you're in a good psychological mindset. Your performance will improve in all parts of your life. If you're short of time at work, think about how you can gain time by making your work more efficient.


Article source SalesForce Blog - blog focused on business and sales
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