Emotional intelligence and sales

What is emotional intelligence and how is it related to traditional intelligence measured in IQ? What is the role of emotional intelligence in sales and dealing with clients? All these questions are answered in the following article.


Emotional intelligence

According to My Customer, in the context of sales, emotional intelligence can be defined as an ability to understand one's own emotions and mental state, then use this knowledge to create a desired emotional reaction in prospects and make a sale. Put simply, we might say that emotional intelligence combines a certain self-reflection with the ability to have an impact on the emotional perception of clients.

Emotions and selling

Emotions play an irreplaceable role in sales. You cannot base sales skills and strategies on a purely rational and factual base because to a large extent clients decide emotionally, whether they are aware of it or not. Being able to influence the emotions of clients is therefore an essential skill for success in sales.


When developing your emotional intelligence, you must start with yourself. Focus on self-reflection. Make an audit of what impression you give to clients, what emotions you make them feel, how you look and what feelings you have when talking to prospects.

What are your strengths and weaknesses? How can you enhance your strengths so that you are more confident and seem more positive and honest to your clients? Understanding your states of mind and their use in practice are essential in using emotional intelligence.

Using emotions

When you are able to control yourself, your emotions and your performance, you can better control the emotions of prospects. Try to practise this skill with clients. Usually it is advisable to make the client feel excited about your offer by helping them visualise the bright future that awaits them with your product.

On the other hand, sometimes it pays to make the prospect feel slightly uneasy by describing the situation that would occur if they maintained the status quo without addressing their current situation (which could be solved, for instance, by buying your product). Do not underestimate emotions; on the contrary, work with them as they are one of the most effective sales tools out there.


Article source MyCustomer - British website focused on marketing and customer service
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