Does your selling lack a noble purpose?

Some people just sell a product. It is their way of earning money and also their only professional goal. But then there are more successful salespeople whose business efforts feature a certain noble purpose – a vision they believe in and which they convey to their clients. Why should every salesperson find such a noble purpose in their work and how to work with it in relation to clients?


Simple definition of your company

According to Selling Power, companies and their business activities benefit if the main idea of what they do and want to achieve can be defined in a clear and concise manner. Your noble purpose might be, for instance, keeping your clients' money safe, saving time of working people, educating clients or offering them a certain comfort. Whatever your noble purpose, it should be something that can be simply and quickly defined and used as a motto of your company.

Improved business results

Business people who can found their sales activities on a clearly understandable and defined noble purpose have better sales results. This higher principle that defines the product with which the sales representative ventures among prospects can be used as a base for the whole sales pitch, at the same time helping prospects understand the vision of the whole company.

Improved team leadership and customer service

If this noble purpose becomes the corporate policy observed by all the employees, this will pull the whole company together and improve team spirit. Client service thus becomes better as it gains a unified, clear goal. The leadership of business teams suddenly becomes easier too as the priorities are given and everybody knows what the main aim of the whole team is.


Article source Selling Power - online version of a US magazine for sales managers
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