Simple tricks to improve your sales results immediately

The salesperson's task is clear: find as many leads as possible, approach them, find the points where the needs of prospects meet the  company's offer, and close as many contracts with as high a value as possible with clientele of the best possible quality. There is a period from time to time in every business person's life when their numbers go down.


If this is your case as well, try to get inspired by the following ideas on how to significantly improve your sales results in the shortest possible time.

Trick no. 1: Change payment policies

According to CustomerThink, one of the simplest tricks is redefining of the system of paying for the product. If you have the possibility, try to establish different financial conditions and multiple ways of paying for your product. The same value, divided into several installments, may then sound much better to your prospects.   

Trick no. 2: Focus on emotions

Emotions play a significant role in prospects' decision making. This is why you must know how to work with them. Focus on the client's feelings, on the ways they perceive your product, its use, its style. You must describe the bright future the client will have with your product. Though this method of sales might seem a little pathetic to you, it works surprisingly well.

Trick no. 3: The feeling of exclusivity

In order to make the client yearn for your product, the customer has to feel unique using your product. Offer something that others don't have, or let clients adjust their product so that it fits their needs and they have something that others don't.

Trick no. 4: The experiences of your current clients

Clients follow others' advice. Also, they can better relate to the message you're trying to convey if they hear specific names, data and experiences. All these reasons are why you have to make customers trust you and your product by offering them testimonials and the experiences of your past and current clients.


Article source CustomerThink - US website focused on customer care
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