2019: What trends in digital marketing can we expect? (1/2)

Digital marketing will go through a revolution. Digital advertising techniques are changing on a daily basis and so fast that in order to stay ahead you must not only keep pace but also look into the future.


What, then, does the future hold for digital marketing? The business2community.com website has the answers.

1) Virtual and augmented realities

Maybe you will recall the mobile game Pokémon Go, which was a huge hit some time ago. We can expect people to immerse themselvers ever more frequently into such new, exciting reality. The fact that augmented and virtual realities may be used to improve the customer experience is a no-brainer.

IKEA has already conducted some experiments with VR by providing a shopping app for customers to sample different furniture before actually buying anything. Thus, for example, they could try out a customised kitchen, testing possible solutions provided by IKEA.

2) Voice-search is growing

It is possible that by 2020 half of all search queries will be based on voice, since voice recognition technology is constantly improving. Marketers should think about how customers speak, rather than how they type inquiries. Written texts should also become more conversation-like to develop content that is more likely to show up in a voice search.

Today, voice search is mostly used when users are driving or their hands are full. Over the next year, however, word accuracy will improve so users will gradually use voice searches more often.

3) AI is everywhere

From chatbots to robotic process automation, improved efficiency and increased productivity will be the main objectives that both large and small companies will seek by deploying machine learning and AI systems.

The result will be higher customer satisfaction since AI enables taking customer-centric marketing to the next new level. Better trend analysis, enhanced customer profiling and highly accurate personalisation will become reality.


Article source business2community.com - open community for business professionals
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2019: What trends in digital marketing can we expect? (1/2)


2019: What trends in digital marketing can we expect? (2/2)