6 phrases to start your first phone call with a B2B prospect

Even in B2B sales, the first contact with a prospect often happens over the phone. But the person often gets calls from many sales reps and gets a lot of offers. That's why it's necessary to distinguish yourself from the rest and engage the prospect, and this must be done at the beginning of the phone call.


Here are six sentences you can use to initiate a call with a prospective B2B client. This list of recommendations was published by the company HubSpot blog.

“I am calling in connection with …”

Replace the three dots with something specific  ideally an event or a product that has been recently introduced. You'll show that you know the company and that you are calling because of something special.

“I got your contact information from …”

State the name of your client who gave you the reference. Mention their name, their position and the name of the company they represent.

“We cooperate with clients like …”

Everybody wants to join the best of the best, so at the beginning of the call you can use your VIP clients that engage in the same business as a reference to the company you are calling.

“I am reacting to your post …”

If the company or individual has published an interesting or innovative article on their blog or via social and professional networks, you can use this entry as a starting point.

“I learned that … is your client / business partner.”

Show that you know important people in the sector, and start your conversation by mentioning a piece of information you learned.

“Our company deals with …”

If you know that there is a current, pressing problem that is bothering the company or the companies in the same field, introduce yourself as a company that focuses on dealing with these sorts of problems.


Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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