Millennials and their expectations about customer service

The term millennials usually means people who were children around the beginning of the millennium and it therefore denotes people born from the mid-80s till the end of the last millennium. As these people grow up, finish their studies, work, found companies and get richer, they also have increasingly important buying power that must be taken into account. Here are the specifics of millennials regarding customer service.


According to Customer Think, millennials expect:

1. Rewards for their loyalty

Millennials know that there is serious competition between companies and are aware of the value they bring to companies which they have been loyal to for a long time. They aren't conservative, and they don't have a problem switching to a new supplier or manufacturer if they don't like something. That's why they expect rewards for their loyalty. If you don't value faithful millennials, and you don't show you appreciate their loyalty, they'll leave you very soon.

2. Unique experiences

Young people are willing to pay extra not just for quality products, but especially for non-traditional experiences. Ideally, they also want to share them with their friends and acquaintances. The current age is defined by social networks where everyone wants to present themselves in the best possible light, which is why millennials seek spectacular experiences.

3. Individual solutions

Young people, hipsters, millennials all share one thing: the need to be original. Millennials don't want the same thing everybody has, which is why you will not attract them by stating the product is a bestseller. You'll be more likely to attract them by stating the product is exclusive, or that it can be adjusted to fit  individual needs.

4. Flawless virtual communication

The presence of young people on the Internet and communication technologies is unbelievable. Today, young people are able to function in parallel to the virtual world, and if you are aiming for millennials to be your customers, you have to be able to communicate with them flawlessly on all virtual communication channels.


Article source CustomerThink - US website focused on customer care
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