Four soft skills that a successful salesperson must have

“Hard skills” and “soft skills”: We might say that the division is between technical knowledge and communication skills. To achieve success in business, you must possess a combination of both hard and soft skills. Here are four soft skills that every successful salesperson must have.


This list was published by the HubSpot company blog.


Customers must feel that they are being listened to, and that you are on the same wavelength. This is only possible if you are able to empathize with the prospect and understand their motivation and way of thinking. Empathy is one of the pivotal skills that every successful salesperson must have.

The ability to feel what's bothering the other person

Everybody has their pain points, that is, what makes them seek a solution and makes them willing to talk to a salesperson. Behind every demand on the part of a prospect is a specific motivation, which is, however, often hidden by the prospect. Find these specific problems and motivations in your prospect and use them to adjust your offer.

The ability to excite others

The ability to inspire and motivate others is often important when working towards the prospect deciding to sign a contract or order a product. So don't just adjust to the clients, learn to lead them, inspire them and make them excited so that they have a positive vision and a desire for change.

Finding solutions

A good business person is someone who can find a solution anywhere. They are able to use every situation to their advantage and if there is interest on the other side they are able to come up with a solution feasible for both sides. The ability to overcome obstacles and find solutions is key to success in sales.


Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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