Články o Hards Skills

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Transform your employees into artists: They will find a sense in what they do and stay

It’s October 2007. Paul, Sales Manager of a Bobcat importer in Norway, calls the training and demonstration team in Dobřiš, “Guys, I am coming with a group of 50 customers driving excavators and loaders in December. Please do something outstanding for them. Flight tickets are booked.”

What types of videos can enliven online training or conferences? (2/2)

Choose the right video format for your performance: a "talking head" is not…


Invitation to a free webinar: Post-COVID industrial and social performance

Join a free webinar dedicated to translating global post-pandemic issues…

What types of videos can enliven online training or conferences? (1/2)

Choose the right video format for your performance; a "talking head" is not…

Seven simple ways for a coach to start blogging

Don't be afraid to share your know-how. Today's world is so overwhelmed by…

Optimise the cost of your L&D programmes in 2021

Education and development managers find themselves in a difficult situation…

Measuring impact and ROI in online education needs to be more rigorous

To support and fund virtual learning in the new era, programmes must…

Listing 14 to 26 out of 274