Články o Hards Skills

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Only two thirds of UK companies offer employees training and education

A recent British poll has shown that local companies, despite a shortage of available workers, still do not work hard enough on retaining and developing their current staff. According to the survey, one third of companies do not offer employees any kind of further schooling or training. Although…

Three main rules when coaching managers

Being a coach of managers and people in supervisor positions requires a…

Specifics of training and educating generation Z

The youngest generation of employees currently entering the workspace has…

Four signs that employees have benefitted from training

Training is a welcome and necessary part of talent management. It is a…

Six things mentors should avoid

When properly managed, mentoring brings benefits to both parties involved.…

Low-budget yet popular benefits for employees

The current age, defined by a shortage of workers and low unemployment, is…

Banking jobs of the future: mixed reality, algorithm mechanic and universal service experts

The HSBC bank predicts six surprising banking jobs of the future, including…

Listing 40 to 52 out of 274