How to identify an emotionally intelligent job applicant


Any job that requires contact with other people should be done by people with a sufficient degree of emotional intelligence, the ability to control their emotions and understand the emotions of others. How can you identify emotionally intelligent job applicants? Certainly not by asking them to evaluate their EQ.

Try to incorporate the following questions, recommended by, into job interviews and then base your own opinion on the answers.

1. "Who is your role model and why?"

Finding out who a candidate identifies with may be very interesting. It can reveal what kinds of behavior you can expect from the candidate.

2. "'What values would a company founded by you have?"

Ask the candidate to indicate, for example, his three most important values. It will help you understand his priorities and level of his sincerity.

3. "How exactly would you help your team accept a change of business priorities?"

Companies often change their business priorities, which impacts all employees. You should hire candidates who are sufficiently motivated and flexible.

4. "Did you create friendship at your previous job that still lasts today?

Long-term friendship cannot be maintained without emotional intelligence and interest in other people.

5. "What skills do you think you are missing?"

In the answer to this question, the candidate should talk about what he wants to learn and improve. If he has problems answering, be cautious.

6. "How would you describe your success?"

In answering this question, the candidate will reveal whether be is selfish or not. If he talks only about himself, he is probably not a team player.

7. "Can you quickly teach me something I've never heard of?"

Ask the candidate to explain something you do not understand, teach you a certain skill or even  solve a puzzle. You can observe whether the candidate is able to first think and then speak. You will see whether he can talk about technical things in a simple clear way. If, during his explanation, he asks you if everything is clear, it is a signal that he is empathetic.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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