HR professionals of the near future: people-focused data experts

Estimates of the number of jobs to be cancelled in the coming years as a result of automation are rising steadily.

Along with artificial intelligence being able to do many things previously done by people, there comes a need for retraining employees. Here HR will play a crucial role. However, the so-called fourth industrial revolution will affect HR as a profession too since its scope will also change.

The technology will process more and more administrative tasks that HR people are used to doing themselves. For HR specialists, this means having to start developing in two crucial areas: focus on people and focus on data.

What specific skills will HR people need to have in the upcoming era of artificial intelligence and automation?


Answers to this question appeared in a recent article on the TLNT server.

1. People-focused skills

All the automation around will only reinforce the role of HR in humanising workplaces. There will still be people communicating with each other, whether during recruitment or work. Human skills such as creativity, critical thinking or empathy will be highly desirable. The main task of HR in this context will be employee retraining and talent advising.


The need to educate employees will grow in direct proportion with automation. HR people will have to build corporate cultures, motivating employees to learn and develop. Online learning tools will be introduced, the content of education will be customised according to different learning styles and new skills will be put into practice.

Talent advising

The task of HR people as talent advisors will be to seek creative recruitment solutions, apply business knowledge to achieve better results, and strengthen their influence on hiring managers. They will have more time to analyse the return on investment in HR and strategic planning.

2. Data-focused skills

HR professionals of the near future will need to be data experts. They will not only collect, but primarily clean, analyse, and interpret large volumes of data. They will follow metrics set by their businesses for tracking their business success and make changes based on the findings. Work roles will have to be redesigned.

Data interpretation

Interpreting data in HR will no longer be limited to reports stating what happened in the past. HR will play an active role in metrics setting and data analysis. They will explain why things happen and suggest solutions.

Work roles redesign

It is expected that the number of part-time workers and freelancers will increase in the coming years.

Given that workplaces will be more flexible, it will be necessary to redesign the existing concept of predominantly permanent employment towards more frequent work on projects and in temporary teams. It will be necessary to reset the goals of both teams and individuals – of course based on data analysis.


Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders
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