Good leaders build trust


In recent years, we have often read about how trust in the workplace is declining. How to restore it? A key role in the issue of trust in organizations is played by both formal and informal leaders. They can build trust when they give their trust to others, they can communicate effectively and behave authentically. In addition to these basic assumptions, leaders can build trust at work in the following ways:

  1. They are good at their job.

  2. They have passion for their work and can show it.

  3. They know what they are saying and behave accordingly.

  4. They are interested in the people around them.

  5. They help their people to do their best and achieve their goals.

  6. They listen so that they can learn.

  7. They perceive events in a broader context and know that not everything can always succeed.

  8. They show their people a work direction, not dictate work details.

  9. They know how to thank and do it publicly.

  10. They do not think only about their own success, their advancement or higher earnings. They are looking for a deeper purpose of their work and they are able to show this purpose to others.


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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