Ten creativity killers


Does your company belong to those that kill the creativity of their employees on an everyday basis? If you are asking yourself this question, try to think about the typical creativity killers highlighted by the HR Communication website. How many points from the following ten creativity killers you need to improve in?

1. You do not want to risk

You refuse interesting ideas just because they do not correspond to what has been done at your company so far.

2. You do not support creativity

Employees need time and specific resources to be able to do their work effectively and come up with creative ideas.

3. You want to have everything under control

Your managers breathe your employees down their neck and do not let them work independently.

4. You do not support team diversity

When all team members think in a similar way, they do not get into the creative conflicts that would move the whole team forward.

5. You assign roles poorly

Each employee should perform a role that will bring personal and team challenges to him and motivate him to search for creative solutions.

6. You do not provide feedback

Employees need to hear whether they achieve the results the company wants them to achieve and how they can improve.

7. You want it all now

Most ideas will not show immediate results. Creativity requires sufficient time.

8. You want everybody to work the same way

Every person thinks differently and should have the opportunity to use his/her individual way of thinking at work.

9. You punish creativity

Even if an idea turns out to be a bad one, its author should not be punished for his creativity. That would only deter others.

10. You do not reward creativity

The rewards for creative thinking do not have to be financial, but should reward specific achievements and demonstrate that creativity is welcomed.


Article source HR Communication - American website focused on HR and internal communication
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