How to make your work life easier


Everybody fights stress at work. If you are currently experiencing a period when you are literally overloaded with work, get inspired by the following practical tips on how to simplify your life at work that were originally published on Start by consciously reminding yourself of what you can do. When you believe in your abilities, even unexpected tasks will be less stressful for you.

  • Don't spread rumors. Once you get out of the ubiquitous circle of gossip in the workplace, you will find that your working day is much less stressful. This applies to talking about personal life, too.

  • Find your own lunch ritual. Take your lunch in a way when you will not be disturbed.

  • Clean up your desk. If you have old documents and dirty dishes all around, it is wrong. Period.

  • Ask what is going on. Regularly ask your colleagues and superiors about what is new in your department.

  • Divide your to-do list into two list - a short-term and a long-term one. When determining priorities, be as honest to yourself as possible. Focus on what matters most even if it is not very pleasant.

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. A timely request for help is much better than when you come begging at the last minute.

  • Voluntarily ask for work. Choose a work that you enjoy and you are interested in before you will be given something else.

  • Drink plenty of water. Try to replace coffee with water and you will avoid hard energy fluctuations.

  • Smile. A person who smiles is more patient. Moreover, the people around treat her nicer.

  • Just do your job. Don't complain and focus on your responsibilities. When you gait the trust of the people around you, your work will be much easier.


Article source - inspiration and education for Career, Personal Finance, Investments and Retirement
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