High performance: We need honesty at workplace


High performance exists only within a particular context. A gold medal sprinter's performance could be a poor if he was to run a marathon. An elite, professional marathon runner could be a rather poor specialist in procurement. We shouldn’t give up our attempts to get better with delivering that mythical concept of high performance. However, our performance is usually still just a performance. Be honest, urges an article on the management-issues.com website.

These are not elements of high performance

Many support the importance of goals, visions, clear roles and responsibilities. They are all seen as the elements of high performance. In reality, they aren’t. They are just the things that we need to work together. Teamwork simply requires a common goal, proper communication, and people willing and able to work together. These people also must understand who does what and when.

The quality of these ingredients and the exceptional execution of the right processes are then needed to deliver a perfect outcome. A high performing team is then a team that deploys team working skills to deliver a product or service that is considered within its context to be exceptional. Something is exceptional only in comparison to what others have produced.

Most of us aren’t exceptional all the time

We need to be honest in our workplaces. Let’s stop using the term high performance and similar ones as if it is something everyone can achieve. By definition, everyone can’t. We need to stop pretending that the basic tools of working together are the same as high performance. Without these tools, we can’t perform at all. High performance is a special state achieved by very few. It is also context-related. Of course, it is still a worthwhile thing to aspire to… but let’s be honest.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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