Seven traits that make a true leader

What distinguishes a genuine, successful leader from mediocre ones? It is not only experience, but above all certain personality traits. This article will look at the seven main ones.


This list of traits appeared on Brian Tracy's blog.


A good leader must, of course, have a healthy self-confidence. They must exude determination, calmness and competence. Only then can they lead others.

Focus on the goal

A good manager must be able to finish projects. They have to be able to focus on a goal and work towards it, an attitude they should also be capable of passing on to their subordinates.


Leaders should have a high level of empathy. They must be able to empathise with subordinates and communicate effectively with them on a human level.

Communication skills

Communication is the key to leading people successfully. A good leader needs to be able to communicate with sufficient assertiveness, empathy and clarity.


Do you know a manager who makes excuses, withholds information or uses vague phrases all the time? Then you know such a manager can never be truly successful or popular.


A good manager must be healthily critical of themselves. They must be able to work on themselves, not regard themselves as infallible, and be able to reflect on their mistakes and shortcomings.

Healthy prudence

While courage is certainly a desirable quality in a manager, a good manager takes only calculated risks and is also prudent and cautious in a healthy way.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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