Signs you are not communicating well with your team

Since people management is largely about interpersonal communication, it is essential managers pay proper attention to their communication skills and act quickly if communication is poor. So here are five signs that you are not communicating enough (or well enough) with your team.


As HR Morning says, poor communication can lead not only to inefficiency at work, but also to a loss of trust and motivation among employees. However, recognising that something is not right may not always be easy.

Sign no. 1: Unclear expectations

If your employees frequently ask questions about tasks, priorities or processes, it may indicate that they are not sufficiently familiar with your expectations. Clear assignments and structure are key to productive work.

Sign no. 2: Lack of feedback

If you don't provide regular feedback to your employees, they may feel insecure in their performance. Many of them then lose motivation because they don't know whether they are doing their job well.

Sign no. 3: Employees are silent about problems

If employees don't point out problems or suggest improvements, there may be a problem with your approach. People might feel uncomfortable sharing their concerns, which can negatively affect the entire team.

Sign no. 4: Lack of direction and vision

Employees who don't know the long-term goals of the company or the direction of the team could lose motivation and begin to feel disconnected from the larger mission.

Sign no. 5: Low team commitment

If you notice that team members are passive or uninterested in what is happening in the team, it may be the result of a lack of communication.


Article source HR Morning - American portal for HR managers
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