Why are you not a good leader?


Being a good leader does not depend either on the number of books and courses you have passed or how nice  the title of your position looks and how high it is located in the organizational structure of your company. First of all, you have to beware of unnecessary leadership mistakes that are unfortunately repeated still too often. According to Inc.com, these are mainly the following ones:

1. You don't have trust of the people you want to lead

If someone does not trust you, he will not follow you. Each leader must, therefore, first gradually gain his people's trust. You won't get anywhere without that.

2. You don't have a personal relationship with your people

Confidence itself is not enough. People also need to see that you are interested in them, you are open to their ideas and want to know their work. It takes time and individual approach.

3. You have a different belief system

It is almost impossible to change other people's value systems. Therefore, you have two options - either to replace your subordinates with people who will share your values, or to change the yours.

4. You have conflicting goals

If you are to be a real leader, you should not only think similarly to your people but also have similar compensation plans and opportunities for career development.

5. You don't adapt to the communication style of your people

Stick to the rule of using the vocabulary and the general style of communication that is used by your people. Think of it like a need to learn a foreign language.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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