Use active listening to become a better leader


Have you ever experienced the efforts of your otherwise skilled employee to suddenly stagnate or even negatively affect the work of other colleagues? Problems in personal life or disputes with workmates. The causes may be different. Do you listen to your employees, or just hear them? The Forbes website offered six ways to become better leaders through effective listening.

1. Prove your interest

Your employees will work much harder and with more willingness if you prove you care about them. Do not just view your employees as working tools. Try to develop deeper relations that will help them to overcome any personal or professional difficulties.

2. Get involved

Engage in matters of your employees. If they ask you any questions or to share opinions, give them your point of view. Encourage someone e.g. in leading a meeting when you see that he is a capable presenter, but he have not had many possibilities to express himself so far.

3. Learn to empathize

Neither interest nor the involvement is sufficient if you cannot empathize with an employee’s situation. Keep in mind they also have to deal with a lot of stress surrounding them in the working environment. Empathy helps you become an accessible leader employees prefer to address their concerns with.

4. Try not to judge

Criticism of your staff is far from listening to their needs. It is possible they are just using different methods and approaches for solving a task. You can learn something new rather by listening to them than if you just refuse their practices.

5. Do not interrupt

Before you try to address any problem with your employee, listen to him first. Respect him and be patient with your advice. If the employee did not care about it, he would not discuss his situation with you.

6. Perceive nonverbal expressions

Do you actively listen, are you objective, can you advise and accept new ideas? Excellent! But a good leader is able to do more. Not every employee wants to consult his problems immediately. Learn to perceive also nonverbal expressions that tell you something is wrong. Words are manageable, body language less so.

What is your relationship with your staff? Do you listen actively and with empathy?


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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