Brighten the pre-Christmas time at work


It doesn't matter whether your pre-Christmas time at work is more hectic than usual, or on the contrary, rather boring, without major tasks, you may benefit from trying to create a Christmas atmosphere. You don't have to put up decorations or exchange gifts. Try to focus on individual achievements and to improve relationships with your coworkers. All it requires is just a little good will.

1. Emphasize the qualities of your colleagues

Spread good, positive gossip, about your coworkers. Express why you enjoy working with them or how they surprised you recently. As a result, you will feel better and so will your colleagues by learning that you are expressing positive feelings about them.

2. Help others even if you don't have to

If you see that your colleague needs some help, help him. Read what he wrote, help him find a solution to a problem, or make a few calls for him so that he does not have to work late. There are many possible ways to help. Colleagues will remember your help and in turn help you when you need it.

3. Thank others for their help at work

Think about one of your colleagues or clients who has made your work much easier this year or who you really enjoyed  working with. Then express your thanks to these people personally or at least write a short personal letter.

4. Don't create more stress than necessary

Even if you have less work at the office at the end of the year, the home situation may be very hectic. All the extra energy for shopping, cooking and visiting can create a lot of extra stress. However, be sure not to pass your stress on to your colleagues at work. Make a commitment to be kind to others and try to keep it. A positive approach will be very helpful.


Article source QuickBase Blog - The Fast Track - management blog
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