Everyone can be a leader. Not only a manager


Does your business card not include the word "Leader"? It doesn't matter. You can be a leader whatever your position. Leadership is not a job title; it is a matter of personal attitude. It is an approach to work based on providing inspiration to others. Writing on Forbes.com, William Arruda, an expert on personal brand building, offers advice on becoming a leader even if you are not yet a manager.

1. Do not be afraid to take appropriate risks

Do not just blindly do what you are told. If you see a problem or a connection others are unaware of, talk about it. Consider and offer various possible solutions.

2. Express recognition

Learn to thank your colleagues as well as your superiors and appreciate their help. Leaders know how to share their success, motivate others and create a positive atmosphere around themselves.

3. Look for opportunities

Do not wait to be given instructions on what to do. Use your inner motivation and actively explore opportunities for what to do in order to improve and streamline your work and the functioning of the entire team.

4. Be positive

Leaders do not complain, spread rumours or blame everyone around them. They focus on important things and seek ways to succeed rather than reasons why something can't be done. A positive attitude goes a long way. Try to surround yourself with equally positive people.

5. Step outside your role

Show an interest in the broader context of how the firm functions beyond your own role and that of your team. Communicate with representatives of other departments, offer them help. Connect to company-wide initiatives you find useful. Do not be afraid to take the lead in something you believe in. You can also act as a leader outside your work, such as in various professional organisations or other groups.

6. Become a mentor

If your company offers a programme for mentors, sign up. If not, find opportunities yourself. Help your colleagues, organise a training session or a little schooling over lunch. You can even become a mentor to superiors. Maybe they would appreciate your knowledge of social networking sites or other skills they themselves lack. Build contacts and you will find many opportunities.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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