Offer your customers something extra


If you want to be successful in selling, you need to have a customer-friendly attitude. Your messages should be personal and you should offer extra information or knowledge  to increase the customer´s trust in you. Find inspiration in the advice published by

Personal attitude

It is hard to sell to someone who does not remember you or why he bought  from you. People are overwhelmed with impersonal information. If you offer a different approach, there is better chance of success.

Offer some extra content

If you want to be business friendly, offer them good advice. Give your customers something they want and can use at work. It can be a highlighted extract from a market- brand research or a customer behavior study. Remember it needs to be important to your customers. Also you can offer links to interesting articles on blog or social sites. It is important you have to be connected to the content. Customers do not want to deal just with salespeople, but with someone who gives them value added content. Be different from your competition when selecting the content.

Become a thought leader

Another good way to give your customers something extra is to become a respected expert in your industry. People will treat you more respectfully and return to you. You can then become an authority that determines what is important and what is not. Read more in Prerequisites for successful thought leadership.

Increase trust

It is  general knowledge in the world of sales that you have to gain customer trust. This trust is the result of your previous action. You cannot buy it, only earn it. To build this trust use knowledge and information you share with your customers.

Do not be discouraged

Do not let others  spoil your mood with negative economic predictions. There are always lots of people who want to buy and have money. Many old barriers such as distance to market are over. New barriers such as attracting and sustaining customers can be solved by making some extra effort.


Article source EyesOnSales - popular sales blog for Sales Professionals around the world
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