Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Being (with) a perfectionist means suffering

The pursuit of perfection is often celebrated as a virtue. Perfection is what leads us continuously…

Do you know what you need to do in the morning before opening your inbox?

Your inbox is just a list of other people's priorities. Don't be fooled by a feeling that every e-…

10 available project management tools

Numerous studies confirm that using project management tools improves team performance and…

Three key links for successful teams

Historically, we have always been able to build and create more value through organisations than we…

Team leadership in a new era based on historic structures: who is a "hunter" and who is a "collector"?

The way ancient societies were organised offers clues on how to manage today's dynamically changing…

Do you feel paralysed and stressed? Focus on time management

Many people in the industrialised world suffer from what is called the "deception of busyness." They…

Try four quick tricks and instantly make workdays more efficient

Each of us sometimes has difficulty concentrating or keeping our work and personal lives in balance.…

Fourteen tips for a successful start to your business

There are dozens of websites offering checklists with tasks you can't ignore when starting a…

How much does poor sleep affect your work?

Almost a quarter of the developed world suffers from sleep deprivation. Not surprisingly, sleep…

Listing 109 to 117 out of 916