Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Consider your mental health

Mental health is the most important thing that enables us to do our work efficiently and especially…

Reasons to love home office (2/2)

Some people like to work from home and can't imagine anything better than a day spent in their…

Maintaining motivation (3/3): When you are at work

It's no secret that some days are easier than others in terms of finding motivation - even in an…

Reasons to love home office (1/2)

Some people like to work from home and can't imagine anything better than a day spent in their…

Is all the work you do really necessary?

Does everything your colleagues ask you to do for them really need to be done? Maybe you manage to…

How to start again after you have failed

You need to motivate yourself afresh after a setback. In fact, you have to be prepared to fail again…

Virtual meetings: run them more effectively

Remote work is very much dependent on how well you can utilise virtual meetings. Attendees often…

How to prevent boredom at the workplace

Boredom is a source of anxiety and stress. If we lose interest in our job role, the decline begins.…

How to do product development properly (1/2): Who is the customer?

There are many pitfalls when you want to develop a great product. Start-ups as well as medium-sized…

Listing 136 to 144 out of 918