Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Advice you should not follow: two well-known examples

It is easy to offer advice. You can google practically anything you like and you will find plenty of…

Accomplish more in the same amount of time

It is often said that multitasking is bad and that we as humans cannot really do numerous things…

Breakthrough inventions: better chances with teams or solo inventors? (1/2)

Would you say that more breakthrough innovations are achieved by teams or individuals? The fact is…

Are you exhausted? (2/2) How to help yourself

Do the problems described in the previous article resonate with you? You can do something about it. 

Are you exhausted? (1/2)

Do you wonder why you often feel so tired? What is draining your energy … and what, on the other…

Lean into discomfort in order to get ahead

Do what is hard so that your life will become easy. How can we genuinely follow what we want to…

How to achieve success in life

We often try to go after what we want, yet we cannot really achieve it. Every time we fail, we feel…

Tips on how to stay productive when working from home

Do you sometimes work from home? Then you could probably make use of the following tips on how to…

Revive the passion you once felt

Are you starting to feel tired and no longer have the same passion for what you do as you did in the…

Listing 145 to 153 out of 918