Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Three basic traits a good leader must have

A management position brings with it many requirements and great responsibility. Your subordinates…

Twelve motivational quotes that will boost you up in the times of despair

Everyone has a bad spell from time to time, everybody needs support sometimes and a reminder of why…

Neglected ways to motivate employees to better performance

Many managers think that workers are motivated only and solely by money, but that's not true. A…

4 simple tips on how to gain momentum again

Feeling stuck in life? That can't be pleasant. But don’t worry, we know what to do.  

Why are meetings a waste of money?

There are considerable productivity losses every year in companies which remain undetected by…

Tips on how to tackle procrastination (2/2)

The previous article offered some tips on how to tackle procrastination. Now we will continue with…

Busy period at work? How to survive it physically and mentally

A large number of professions occasionally have a period when more time must be spent at work. This…

Tips on how to tackle procrastination (1/2)

We all do it. We all put off something we don’t like by telling ourselves we will do it but just not…

Myths about what you need to run business

Have you ever wondered what it's like to own a business? First, it's not only about making money, it…

Listing 226 to 234 out of 918