Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Brian Tracy: Why it is hard for you to get your job done

Do we really manage to get a lot done? Not really. So stop doing things that are a waste of time and…

How Nokia failed (1/2): Leader on the market

It took less than 10 years for Nokia to take the lead in the mobile phone revolution, gaining a…

An analysis of 2017: Ten questions you must ask yourself

The beginning of the new year is a time not only for resolutions in your personal life but also for…

4 tips on how to stay healthy and on top of your game

What should you do so as not to get crushed and drained by demanding work? You need to think of your…

How evolution shapes our negotiations (2/2): Males compete amongst themselves

The previous article described how men tend to be more prone to using unethical negotiating tactics…

5 mistakes new managers make

Beginners in management roles often have problems with being themselves. They focus too much on what…

Strategy (2/2): Execution

The previous article described the difficulties of identifying accessible opportunities and figuring…

Brandon Brown on Management tv: The Kata method transforms thinking patterns and helps effective problem solving

Brandon Brown is a well-known American Master Kata Coach and founder of Continuous Coaching…

Tips for team leaders: How to avoid a drop in productivity during the holidays

Work performance often decreases dramatically with the onset of the holiday season. Even though…

Listing 244 to 252 out of 918