Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Changing your path: You don't have to leave your current employer

If you want to change your career, there will be some transition costs. You need to invest in some…

Jack Welch: Micromanagement does not stink

Micromanagement is a management style whereby managers check the work of their subordinates…

How to stay mentally strong

Don't let others drain your mental strength. That is one of the recommendations on how to maintain…

Mistakes you should not repeat

Success is not about not making mistakes. It depends on the ability to admit failure, to learn and…

Test: Are you a problematic employee?

Nobody is successful at work only because of knowledge and skills. Relationships with colleagues…

Two different faces of failure

Failure isn't always a bad thing. Setbacks are a natural part of life and occur every day. They help…

Resolutions for leaders for 2016

Is your resolution to become a better leader and are you wondering where to start? You probably…

Trends in project management for 2016

What can we expect in the project management industry this year? According to the Project Times…

6 ways in which successful people overcome fear

Uncertainty, nervousness, stress. Successful businesspeople always seem so self-confident that they…

Listing 406 to 414 out of 916