Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Good and effective is not the same

An effective leader successfully achieves his goals. That does, however, not mean that he is also a…

Directive leadership style is only for beginners

Every leader should be both manager and coach. While the managerial style of leadership is more…

Why are not you a good boss?

You surly want to be a good boss but you also know that it is not enough just to want. Therefore,…

How not to lose your team's time and productivity

Effective use of time in a team is a key prerequisite for mutual success. Team manager should…

Expand your perception of time

You have probably told yourself many times that you would need several hours more a day. You do not…

The principles of informal mentoring

Do you have in your team less experienced employees who have great potential? If so, become their…

How to succeed in the role of a middle manager

Middle management is a very difficult place for work. Whereas the subordinates complain that you put…

4 skills of a virtual manager. Do you have them?

Managers who work outside their companies or manage their teams remotely need four basic skills.…

Are you too forever checking your e-mail?

Have you ever counted how much time you spend each day dealing with e-mails? It is something you…

Listing 847 to 855 out of 916