Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Guy Kawasaki: How to prepare for a panel discussion

If you have been working in your field for a long time, you represent a successful organization or…

Tips on how to know your team better

The better you know your team, the better you can work together. This rule applies to both team…

Can you give feedback effectively?

A lack of feedback equals a lack of opportunities to improve. Managers who observe their…

Is your attitude to career development up-to-date?

There is a need for an infusion of creativity in the field of career planning and development. There…

What to do when somebody steals your success

When someone else takes credit for your achievements, it's very frustrating. It may be your boss, a…

How to clarify and update performance expectations

There is a long way separating a top performer and an employee whose performance is unsatisfactory.…

How best to prevent fraud and failure? Do not demand success at all costs

Do you think that fraud is committed by employees who are too greedy and therefore want to make a…

Millennials and women: How they define success

It is true now, more than ever, that we are in control of our destiny and success is in our own…

Turning your employees into engaged staff brings money

We now realize that profits of companies that achieve high employee engagement are 27 % higher.…

Listing 109 to 117 out of 199