Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

What you are focusing on?

We often focus on something we dislike or are not satisfied with. We think about it repeatedly and…

How to rediscover enthusiasm for work

Marie Kondo, a Japanese tidying guru, has some advice that can be well applied to working lives…

Are subordinates trying to sabotage your efforts, or is it something else?

Do you know which simple piece of advice could save many a manager? More specifically, it could save…

Do you know what frustrates your team?

Not only human resources managers worry about people leaving the company: all those involved in…

Feedback is a chance to improve: don't take it personally

It is all too easy to take feedback as a personal insult or attack. However, that is not the right…

Gifts a leader can give to employees (2/2)

The previous article explained how some of the best gifts leaders can give to subordinates is a…

Gifts a leader can give to employees (1/2)

What gifts do employees usually receive from their employers? Some vouchers or parties are generally…

Refresh your team’s motivation

Do you know how to encourage and motivate your staff to participate more actively in team work?…

Retaining talents: What to do

When it comes to the workforce, engagement and efficiency are crucial. Any newcomers need to…

Listing 46 to 54 out of 199