Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Four deadly sins of managerial communication with a team

Communication is the be-all and end-all for the effective functioning of any team, and excellent…

How to set up quality and effective communication within your team

Communication plays a key role in the productivity and success of any  team. And it is the team…

How to become instantly likeable

Likeable people have a much better chance of being successful at their work and becoming respected…

Non-verbal tricks that will help you achieve what you want during any meeting

A manager has to attend numerous meetings and be able to negotiate with many different types of…

Three poor communication habits every manager should get rid of

Effective communication leads to establishing good relationships, and good relationships with people…

Phrases to help you better motivate your team

Put in a nutshell, leadership is basically all about communication. A manager is someone who has…

Secret of top leaders: an ability to read and use body language

When meeting with someone or trying to influence them, you would certainly appreciate being able to…

Would you like to be able to persuade others? Then just follow three simple rules

Why are some people able to impress those around them and others are not? How come some people have…

Interrupting: a bad habit a manager must get rid of

A good manager is someone capable of excellent communication with other people. This means, among…

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