Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

7 tips on persuasion from a professional negotiator

There are all kinds of everyday situations in which good negotiating skills prove useful.…

Why is your co-worker so grumpy?

From time to time all of us have our ups and downs but some people seem to live in a permanent state…

How collaboration with your rivals works: an example from logistics (2/2)

In the last article, we saw how a company can engage with its rivals. Now we will look at how…

How collaboration with your rivals works: an example from logistics (1/2)

More and more companies are discovering untapped value potential by engaging industry rivals with a…

How gender diversity of boards relates to buybacks

Compared to male-dominated boards, gender diverse boards are less likely to use share buybacks to…

Delegating sins: 5 mistakes managers make

The American research-based consulting company Gallup studied 143 CEOs of top companies that are…

Saying no is hard, yet often necessary

In some situations you might feel it is risky to hesitate or ask too many questions. Sometimes,…

Overcome your nervousness with these simple tips

Uncomfortable situations have a lot to do with how you think about them. Here is a very easy trick…

Stop wallowing in negativity

Many good things happen in our lives, but our working world tends to drive toward the negative and…

Listing 433 to 441 out of 1117