Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Whom does home office actually suit and how to help those who struggle with it?

With the transition to home office, many employees have lost their daily dose of personal contact…

Do you promote a sense of belonging in your team?

The need for a sense of belonging, friendship and security is deeply rooted in our DNA. From this it…

Self-confidence and self-esteem are not the same thing

Self-confidence and self-esteem are two terms that are often confused. In reality, they have very…

Adaptability: today a necessity

How do you deal with changes? And be honest: are you able to accept them without any problems, or do…

Maintaining motivation (1/3): When you are looking for a new job

It's no secret that some days are easier than others in terms of finding motivation. So the current…

Is all the work you do really necessary?

Does everything your colleagues ask you to do for them really need to be done? Maybe you manage to…

Take trust seriously: Are your employees reluctant to speak their mind? (2/2)

The previous article described why trust is not just an added extra which it is nice to have.…

Women and tech careers: situation still not ideal

Women currently make up about 50% of graduates in the natural sciences and engineering. Nonetheless,…

What do remarkably successful businesses have in common?

There are certain things that successful businesses have in common … Is yours not missing something?

Listing 82 to 90 out of 481