Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Why shouldn't women be outstanding speakers?!

The great speakers that history remembers are mostly men. It's not that women have no worthwhile…

Learn to listen to people whose views you disagree with

Listening to others may not be the most interesting part of a conversation for everyone, but it is…

Study: Playfulness can be learnt and help companies increase innovation potential and improve employee well-being

Simple exercises can help people become more playful and gain greater satisfaction with their lives.

Strengthen a sense of responsibility for results also in employees working remotely

People are more eager to support solutions to situations in which they themselves are involved.…

Survey: Initiatives to promote corporate well-being need to be more humanised

According to a recent PwC survey, CEOs plan to digitise significantly, promote flexibility, and…

Do you want others to take your words seriously? Learn to communicate appropriately

Communication breakdowns and misunderstandings often occur at the workplace. Some people feel it is…

When is it appropriate to communicate emotionally? It depends on the nationality

Many workplace challenges are related to cultural differences, which may generally be described as…

What will make key employees stay at the company?

The best talents are hard to find and even harder to keep. So what can you do to keep them at the…

Defending against conflicts: what you need to do

Conflicts at the workplace can be more pronounced and complicated with employees who are trying to…

Listing 64 to 72 out of 481