Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Hierarchical structure: A brake or a boost?

Hierarchy is often seen as being an obstacle to innovation and therefore something that makes it…

Losing a partner is not losing a company

Breakups in our private lives are not easy, and neither are breakups in business partnerships. The…

Principles of managing ethically weak employees

Immorality. Unscrupulousness. Corruption. Such words describe ethically dubious behaviour you…

Study: Global gender gap in 2013

The global gender gap slightly narrowed in 2013. This is according to a study of the World Economic…

Two main problems of modern offices

Instead of the whole day, you have only a few moments at work to do your job. If you think about it,…

Can you spot a liar?

Each of us encounters up to two hundred lies every day. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn…

3 steps to attract the attention of headhunters

If you would like to progress in your career and get an executive position in a leading company,…

Can you afford to be friends with your team?

Answering this question is not so simple. The roles of a manager, as a leader who is a role model…

Negotiations: How to achieve a win-win result

Many people feel uncomfortable when they have to negotiate. Some of us even hate negotiating.…

Listing 793 to 801 out of 984