Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Smartphones for business (1/2): How to attract customers

Smartphones are used everywhere. Nowadays, targeting mobile users is crucial, since the smartphone…

Artificial intelligence: the greatest business opportunity

$15.7 trillion. This is the value that global GDP will reach by 2030 thanks to the development of…

How to become successful (and maybe also rich) through blogging

That you shouldnt cover your entire site with ads is a no-brainer: this is something completely…

6 steps to tackle the upcoming industrial revolution (2/2)

In the first part of the article on the incoming 4th Industrial Revolution and the related changes …

6 steps to tackle the upcoming industrial revolution (1/2)

We're facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution which will affect millions of jobs and change the very…

Influencers rule today's marketing

Personalities on social media have considerable influence on their audience. They are followed on a…

Brian Tracy: How to become professional speaker

If you want to deliver speeches for a living, count on it being difficult. Trying to become a…

How to boost your personal brand after a career change

After a career switch, you have to utilize all means of communication to potential employers and…

Some expert advice on speaking for money

There is good money to be made from public speaking once you have become established. At the…

Listing 217 to 225 out of 587