Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Three things you must do if sales start going down

There are numerous possible reasons why sales can start going down in your company. If the problem…

Business isn't just a hobby

In business, you're never sure whether you're going to succeed. However, if you decide to start your…

Sales not going well for your company? The problem is in one of these 3 things

You have a certain product, you are distinguishable from your competition, you are competitive and…

Do you combine high-tech and low-tech tools in your presentation?

Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. When there are too many fireworks, it becomes…

Richard Branson: The 10 commandments of successful entrepreneurship

People achieve great things not because they are don't feel fear, but because they are not afraid to…

Presenting like a pro: don’t send out mixed messages

During a presentation there is one very dangerous thing you might do and that is sending out mixed…

Leaders who are needed for Africa’s dream of a better future

Africa has a problem connected to rapid growth. Its middle class population is the fastest growing…

Innovating your key product (2/2): 4 steps how to do it

In the previous article we saw that innovation is not only about leaving our current product behind…

Innovating your key product (1/2): How to sell expensive can of paint

When thinking about innovation, many people imagine companies such as Uber, Airbnb or Amazon that…

Listing 226 to 234 out of 587