Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

5 tips for creating the best presentation of your life

Are you preparing for a speech at a conference or a product presentation in front of company…

Smartphones for business (2/2): A good website is essential

The previous article explained what micro moments are about and what you need to make use of them in…

Why power matters in negotiations, plus a checklist for next time

To get the best results from what happens at the negotiating table, you as a negotiator need to…

Smartphones for business (1/2): How to attract customers

Smartphones are used everywhere. Nowadays, targeting mobile users is crucial, since the smartphone…

Artificial intelligence: the greatest business opportunity

$15.7 trillion. This is the value that global GDP will reach by 2030 thanks to the development of…

How to become successful (and maybe also rich) through blogging

That you shouldnt cover your entire site with ads is a no-brainer: this is something completely…

6 steps to tackle the upcoming industrial revolution (2/2)

In the first part of the article on the incoming 4th Industrial Revolution and the related changes …

Influencers rule today's marketing

Personalities on social media have considerable influence on their audience. They are followed on a…

Three things you must do if sales start going down

There are numerous possible reasons why sales can start going down in your company. If the problem…

Listing 91 to 99 out of 246