Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Germany plans to introduce the right to distance work

Germany continues to plan to give all employees the legal right to work remotely, Labour Minister…

10 European personalities it makes sense to follow (2/2)

Keep track of how the world of business and technology will evolve in the coming years. Here is a…

10 European personalities it makes sense to follow (1/2)

Keep track of how the world of business and technology will evolve in the coming years. Here is a…

McKinsey Study: When will the pandemic end? (2/2)

The first part of the article presented the conclusions of an analytical study by experts from one…

McKinsey study: When will the pandemic end? (1/2)

In 1920, a world tired of World War I and sick with the 1918 influenza pandemic tried desperately to…

How to make the most of online networking

Learn to build valuable relationships through social networking. Here are some tips to help you make…

Three key links for successful teams

Historically, we have always been able to build and create more value through organisations than we…

Effectiveness of virtual teams depends on trust

According to a new study by the University of Calabria, the level of trust among all collaborators…

Seven widespread business jargon words and abbreviations you should stop using

Entrepreneurs are aware of the importance of speaking the customer's language. However, they often…

Listing 19 to 27 out of 620