Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

What to avoid when working without walls (1/2)

Modern office work requires more flexible thinking than in the past but some companies fail to take…

The wittiest TED talks of all time

Summer is in full swing and you want to use your free time to relax. Doing nothing, however, is not…

What does the color of your car say about you?

The color of your car says a lot, not only about your personal taste, but also about your…

Deep learning: The future of automation is bright (2/2)

In the previous article, the chief scientist at Baidu Research, Andrew Ng, introduced us to deep…

How gender diversity of boards relates to buybacks

Compared to male-dominated boards, gender diverse boards are less likely to use share buybacks to…

Deep learning: The future of automation is bright (1/2)

Andrew Ng, chief scientist at Baidu Research, has something to say about artificial intelligence. He…

Delegating sins: 5 mistakes managers make

The American research-based consulting company Gallup studied 143 CEOs of top companies that are…

Online personal branding for beginners

Have you ever tried googling your name? The answer is probably yes. What the search engine finds…

An executive car not only fit for failed managers

The Skoda Superb has been produced since 2001 and has been one of the most popular and top- rated…

Listing 379 to 387 out of 620