Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Don't be a slave to your smart phone

Just take a look around when walking down the street or travelling by public transport and you will…

Study: Global gender gap in 2015

Although the number of working women worldwide has increased by about a quarter billion since 2006,…

The future of academic research is in automation

A single research paper may impact hundreds of disciplines. Academics are busy people whose work is…

Innovation is a matter of collective genius

If we want to build constantly innovating organisations, we need to rid ourselves of certain common…

Digital transformation of shared-services centres

In the digital environment, shared services and IT will collaborate with business units to determine…

Don't confuse charisma with egoism

Charisma is a unique feature of the human personality which is based on strong personal charm and…

Facebook reveals characteristics of great managers

If a company wants to have great managers, managerial roles should only be assumed by workers who…

4 mistakes people make on LinkedIn

The LinkedIn network is an excellent way to keep in touch with what is going on workwise with your…

Study: Economic development of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria since 1990

The Czech Republic (CR), Slovakia and Austria share many common economic characteristics. These…

Listing 424 to 432 out of 620