Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

The day after: what will recruitment look like at the end of a pandemic?

Can you still remember the time when everyone was talking about the lack of talents? Now the…

Five tactics for maintaining employee morale in difficult times

Strong morality is not a luxury but an essential – and not only in difficult times. Companies that…

Six rules for the successful launch of an internship programme at your company

Given the extreme shortage of workers on the job market, an increasing number of companies are…

HR mistakes to avoid when cooperating with freelancers

In terms of HR and talent management, freelancers hired by a company often tend to be forgotten.…

Why a CV is not enough to find a job (and what to do instead)

It is incredible how many people (regardless of their age) send hundreds of CVs and consider this…

Four tips on keeping your company enthusiastic and innovative

Every company wants to be innovative: it wants to be one step ahead of competitors, address modern…

How to invest reasonably in human capital development

"Human capital development" has become a new buzz phrase, currently ubiquitous in business and…

Five basic tasks of an HR department

Are you building an HR department from scratch within your company? Are you conducting an audit of…

Achieve higher performance and longer tenures

Many organisations have problems nowadays finding people with the necessary skills or experience.…

Listing 28 to 36 out of 257