Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Employee chipping continues

It's neither science fiction nor a conspiracy theory. The number of companies implanting chips in…

Dave Ulrich: HR developments over three decades

Down the years there has been widespread discussion about the value of HR, though much of it is…

A decade of changes in HR (2/2)

The world of work is changing rapidly. Over the last decade, it has experienced the economic crisis,…

A decade of changes in HR (1/2)

The world of work in the last decade has been shaped by the economic crisis, the rapid development…

6 steps to making work not suck

Work sucks! This was the title of the speech Laszlo Bock, former Vice-president for HR at Google,…

There are almost no big data in HR. Learn to use the small data

So-called big data is a term used for extensive data sets that cannot be processed by common…

HR professionals of the near future: people-focused data experts

Estimates of the number of jobs to be cancelled in the coming years as a result of automation are…

Key indicators really worth measuring in recruitment

The most successful companies in the world excel thanks to high degrees of innovation. However, in…

Facebook: Engagement is a matter of pride

Employee engagement has recently been one of the most frequently discussed HR issues. The reason is…

Listing 28 to 36 out of 124