Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Case study: Employer brand building at SAP

The German company SAP is a leading provider of enterprise software. Although it operates almost…

Why do employees hate their jobs?

Everybody sometimes hates their job. So if your employees do not show every day how much they love…

The collapse of performance evaluation systems

The consulting company Accenture is one of the biggest employers in the world, currently employing…

Czech Republic has the second lowest unemployment rate in the EU

Unemployment in the Czech Republic continues to decline. In June, the unemployment rate broke the 5%…

Recruitment shame: We can't measure quality

Each function within a company measures the quality of its products or services in a certain way,…

Study: What is the cost of dismissing employees?

The Czech Republic ranks among the three countries in Europe with the highest costs when it comes to…

UK to introduce compulsory gender pay reports

The British government has made public a preliminary consultation of its draft of mandatory gender…

Do you lack talent? It's your own fault

Recruiting is like fishing. You can make excuses for a lack of fish but the real problem is where…

Pitfalls of performance management systems

Many companies are hesitant to admit that their employee performance management system does not …

Listing 73 to 81 out of 124