Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How to detect a candidate with good working morale based on their CV

Are you seeking a candidate for a position which requires hard work, good working morale and high…

Three signs a candidate took time to prepare for a job interview

Every recruiter wants to see a candidate prepared for a job interview. You definitely want someone…

Seemingly innocent phrases that may hide a candidate's weaknesses

Leading a job interview well is a tricky art that requires a lot of experience, theoretical…

Why do some candidates not show up for an interview? What can you do about it?

No recruiter likes it when a candidate does not show up for a scheduled interview. Does it happen to…

How to detect a suitable candidate for a business position

Are you trying to fill the position of a sales representative or account manager at your company? Do…

Five signs at an interview that a candidate might not be completely honest

Every candidate tries to give the best possible impression during an interview. There is nothing…

What makes recruiting for start-ups different from recruiting for an established company

Recruiting employees for a small start-up is indeed different from recruitment for a large,…

Recruiting graduates: three tips on attracting the best candidates

The unemployment rate in the Czech Republic is still very low and companies continue to struggle to…

The most common reasons for candidates' frustration with the recruitment process

The recruitment process is a presentation of both the HR department that organises it and the…

Listing 19 to 27 out of 785